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(60 minute sessions)
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Theoretical Orientation

Nicola works from the frame work that our problems are opportunities for change. They are sign posts directing us towards deeper exploration, ultimately leading us towards deep healing and the removal of thought patterns, behaviours  or emotions that are no longer beneficial. 

Here are some examples of her treatment methods:

-Working together from the frame work of identifying CORE BELIEFS, why we have them, how they have been created, how they have served us, and where they impede growth; we then create and incorporate new beliefs from which to function.

-Using NARRATIVE THERAPY we examine the lens through which we perceive the world; we make shifts to accommodate new understandings and feelings.

-BODY SENSORY Therapy incorporates holistic healing not only on the level of the mind, but on the physical level. Understanding that the body has its own intelligence that can offer great insight and release is often a very effective modality for treating residual trauma, depression and anxiety.

-Also using tools from a  MINDFULNESS BASED COGNITIVE THERAPY approach in order to hone skills of awareness so that the uncovering and growth done in session will translate to every day life and is lasting and abiding once therapy is done.

- For Family or couples work, ATTACHMENT BASED theoretical approached based on the work by Stan Tatkin is used to identify familial roles, understand holding patterns and unconscious behavioural and reactive functions that keep perpetuating feelings of being 'stuck'.